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Refreshing and resetting with the new and full moons! Cool yoga poses for July

It's Anna!

It's only the beginning of July and it's already dangerously hot!

I think it's very important to figure out how to survive this heat.

I'm sure you all want to feel refreshed and cool during this unavoidable heat!

Here are some of my recommendations for beating this heat!

Anna teacher doing yoga poses on the beach

Recommended yoga poses for July: Cool off with forward bending

Here are three forward bending poses that are perfect for July. These poses will give you a refreshing feeling that you can easily do even in the hot weather!

1. Standing Forward Bend Pose (Uttanasana)


1. Starting position: Stand upright with your feet together.

2. Forward bend: As you exhale, bend your torso forward from your hip joints.

3. Hand position: Place your hands on the floor or on your shins. Keep your back straight and do not round it.

4. Hold: Take several deep breaths in this position.

Teacher Anna doing standing forward bend pose (Uttanasana)


・ Stretching your back and hamstrings

・ Promotes blood circulation

・ Stress relief

・ Improved digestive function

2. Wide-Legged Forward Bend (Prasarita Padottanasana)


1. Starting position: Stand with your feet wide apart, approximately one meter apart.

2. Foot position: Feet parallel with toes pointing forward.

3. Forward bend: As you exhale, bend your torso forward from your hip joints.

4. Hand position: Place your hands on the floor or on your shins. Keep your back straight.

5. Hold: Take several deep breaths in this position.

Teacher Anna in Prasarita Padottanasana (wide-legged forward bend) pose


・ Stretching the inner thighs and hamstrings

・ Improved hip flexibility

・ Release tension in the back and shoulders

・ Promotes blood circulation

3. One-legged forward bend pose (Janu Sirsasana)


1. Starting position: Sit with your legs extended.

2. Bend one leg: Bend one leg and place the sole of your foot against the inner thigh of the other leg.

3. Forward Bend: As you exhale, bend your torso forward toward your extended leg.

4. Hand position: Place your hands on the toes or shins of your extended feet. Keep your back straight.

5. Hold: Take several deep breaths in this position.

6. Repeat on the other side: Repeat the same procedure on the other leg.

Alternative text: Teacher Anna in Janu Sirsasana (Single-Legged Forward Bend Pose)


・Hamstring and calf stretches

・Improved hip flexibility

・Release tension in the back

・Improved digestive function

Recommended Video

Want to learn more about the benefits of forward bends? Check out this video!

The secret to enjoying a splendid summer
Plates and rice are lined up on a beautifully arranged dining table, and the meal is about to begin.

・Frequently drink water: I always drink hot water, not just in summer. I also add lemon. I think the key is to drink before you get thirsty. The same goes for your skin. Drinking before your skin dries out and keeping it moisturized is the secret to keeping your skin looking young.

- Yoga in the cooler times of the day: Enjoying yoga in the clear morning air or the pleasant breeze of the evening can refresh both your mind and body.

・Cooling down techniques: In order to alleviate the heat, it is important to lower your body temperature immediately if you feel that your body is getting hot. I often take cold showers. The head is particularly sensitive to heat, so I think it's a good idea to use a cold towel on your head and neck to regulate your body temperature.

Refreshing summer recipes

Cooking can be a bit of a hassle when it's hot, so I'd like to introduce some refreshing dishes that I often eat.

・Tofu with dried small sardines: Chilled tofu is topped with dried small sardines and served with soy sauce. It's refreshing and nutritious.

・Pork shabu-shabu: Thinly sliced pork is boiled quickly and served with lots of vegetables and dressing. This is also refreshing and easy to eat.

・Natto and kimchi: I often eat these foods, not just in the summer. The combination of fermented foods also improves your intestinal environment! (I love natto! It also boosts your immunity!)

Yoga for the lunar cycle
Woman doing yoga on a full moon night

The lunar cycle has a huge impact on our minds and bodies.

July 5th - New Moon Yoga

The new moon symbolizes new beginnings.

Practicing yoga on this day can help you bring new energy into your life. On a new moon day, you can do a quiet, meditative yoga session and take the time to connect with your inner silence.

July 21st - Full Moon Yoga

The full moon in July is on the 21st. Practicing yoga on a full moon day is a great way to balance your mind and body.

Enjoy full moon yoga by incorporating forward bending poses!


This July, try some forward bending poses to feel cool, forget the heat, and enjoy a comfortable time.

Refresh your mind and body with frequent hydration, light meals, and special yoga that utilizes the energy of the new moon and full moon!

Enjoy your days of relaxation and beauty through yoga this summer too!

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